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The Next Big Leap: How To Plan Your Next Promotion

Updated: Aug 20, 2020

​Irrespective of whether you got a promotion this time around or not, you’re surely thinking of ways to up your game in the coming year.

Irrespective of whether you got a promotion this time around or not, you’re surely thinking of ways to up your game in the coming year. Knowing exactly where you feel short this year can help you set specific goals to move forward with.


Let’s discuss different ways in which you can guarantee or let’s say, significantly enhance your chances of a promotion in the coming year. In most cases, it is simply a matter of planning and knowing how to fill the gaps, which is what we hope to guide you through.

​1. Do A Personal SWOT Analysis

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses in relation to your circumstances can go a long way in helping you set the right targets for yourself. What’s more, you can also evaluate whether the growth you’re looking for is professional or personal in nature. You can read more about how to do a personal SWOT analysis here.

2. Share Your Goals With Your Manager

Irrespective of whether you got a promotion this time around or not, you’re surely thinking of ways to up your game in the coming year. Knowing exactly where you fell short this year can help you set specific goals to move forward with.hat to do when you don’t get a promotion and follow the steps to pivot yourself first.

3. Know What You’re Aiming For First

The first question you need to answer for yourself is this – is it really just a promotion you’re looking for? Is the job itself giving you enough motivation to keep going? Do you see the bigger picture in this organization? If you know for sure that you’re looking to continue and grow within the same setup, find out what the targets are for promotion. What specific goals are you expected to achieve? It also pays to know what the expected reward is so that you have the inspiration to keep going through the year.

4. Work On Your Personal Brand

Wherever you go, the most significant thing you can build on is yourself. Your personal brand will hold you in good stead in all walks of life. So, work on building one. Remember that personal branding is so much more than just putting your opinions out there, and instead has a lot to do with how you influence people. Take the time out to build genuine networks and connections that are most likely to work for you.

If you’re feeling too lost, you may consider undergoing a coaching intervention to help gain a new perspective.

5. Ask For Growth Opportunities

​Whether it is in the form of training and workshops or a new role, ask for new opportunities and find ways to excel in them. When you trip up, ask for help. Keep yourself visible and be genuinely interested in the workings of your organization. Remember that the bigger goal is to get into the C Suite or to become an entrepreneur yourself. Work with these aims in mind.

If you’re new in the organisation, what are your plans for getting to promotion milestones quickly? Tell us in the comments.

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