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Why Coaching Helps: Turning An Abstract Concept Into Measurable Progress

Updated: Apr 19, 2023

Why Coaching Helps

If you’ve been following us on social media, you may have noticed that this month, we’re talking about coaching from the #InsideOut. We chose this theme because a) people still have questions about coaching as an effective tool for change, and b) what better time than the beginning of a new year to set goals?


Let’s address the issue head-on then- how do we know for a fact that coaching works for everyone, and at all stages in their personal and professional trajectories?

For one, there is an internationally recognised body, the International Coaching Federation (ICF) that provides training, support and resources to coaches worldwide. As a practice, coaching is highly regulated and developed with one goal in mind- to get results from any situation.

In a 2009 survey done by ICF, it was also found that 86% of all companies that invest in coaching for their employees more than recover the coaching costs in the form of better performance and increased profits.

As opposed to using short-term fixes for specific employee problems, coaching takes them on a longer journey. It prompts them to make changes at the individual level and think about themselves differently. They are then encouraged to come up with goals and find ways to align with them.

How Coaching Helps

There has been no better time than now for building self-awareness. Any concept dealing with the individual is first met with apprehension, and then with acceptance, and finally the reward. The employees of today have been born into economic security. Compared to even a generation ago, they have more scope to aspire for things other than financial wellbeing alone. Don’t believe us? Just take a look at the number of meditation and mindfulness apps doing the rounds! The world is collectively trying to find a higher purpose, and several studies show that engaging a millennial employee is very different from the process-oriented approaches of the Industrial Era. In this situation, what we need is a solution that speaks to the individual, but is also focused, thorough, and extremely revealing of the self. This is where coaching comes in. To an outsider, coaching is nothing more than setting a few goals and working towards them.

But, the true benefit of the system begins after the goals have been set. Coaching is the process of changing ones beliefs, patterns, styles of behaviour and even mindset in order to achieve these goals. Now, that’s where true transformation comes from.

We have research to support this claim, too. A 2013 study titled ‘Does coaching work? A meta-analysis on the effects of coaching on individual-level outcomes in an organizational context’ shows that coaching has a significant positive impact leading to ‘goal-directed self-regulation.’

Now, that’s worth having in every professional environment.

Coaching changes you fundamentally, thus prepping you for every goal you set in the future and every challenge you face along the way.

Six Benefits You Can Gain From Coaching

We love lists, we do. After all, the research is perused and the arguments made, we want to answer one question- what’s in it for you? Not one, but six distinct advantages, and that’s just executive coaching!

  1. Coaching helps you realise your actual self. Simple as it sounds, we are all governed by our life scripts and beliefs. Changing them to suit the situation is not always easy, and is often the main reason for organisational conflict. By building self-awareness, coaching gives new perspective on all situations.

  2. It helps you see others differently. As the scripts change and your beliefs realign, you begin to see and understand the people around you better and rationalise their behaviour as well.

  3. Coaching teaches communication. The basis of coaching is identifying our own self. As a result, amorphous ideas begin to gain clarity and this starts to reflect in the way you communicate your ideas. Also, because you now see people differently, you begin to appreciate how different people need to be spoken to in different ways.

  4. It builds on your existing strengths. We all have innate abilities that make us who we are. Some of them actually have a positive impact on our lives. Coaching brings these attributes to the fore and gives you a personal toolkit that you can now use more effectively.

  5. Coaching also makes relationships better. As part of understanding people more, you start to build better relationships, both existing and new.

  6. Coaching is the best shot you will ever get at achieving your goals. There’s a reason why sports teachers are called coaches, after all. Coaching works with a laser-laser-sharp focus on your goals and brings you close to achieving them.

What coaching questions do you have? Do you know someone who benefited from coaching? Tell us in the comments or write in at

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